Hi, I'm Cynthia, a Statistics, Data Science, and Digital Humanities graduate from UCLA .

 About Me

I'm currently a Development and Asset Management Analyst at QuadReal in the International Real Estate group. My background is primarily in real estate, having overseen asset management at institutional investors and running operations for two early-stage proptech startups. 

I've always held an interest in a variety of disparate fields and enjoyed chasing any opportunity that could provide hands-on experience. My path has taken me everywhere from biotech to investment banking, yet there's still so much I want to discover. One thing remains constant across all my interests: a space for innovation and the need for creativity and analytical problem-solving. The dream? Well, there's a lot, but I hope to one day work at the intersection of showbiz and real estate and run a global music festival.

Selected Work

Click on the image to view the original project.

Location, Location, Location

Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, Dean's Research Prize, Library Research Prize

R Shiny Tutorial

R, R Shiny, Markdown

 Boba Culture

Tableau, Python, Yelp Fusion API

Final Round Slides

BCG Case Competition

1st Place

Copy of CFAN_Team_103

Consult for America Case Competition

Global Finalist

PennApps 2020

1st Place - Best Hack for Resilience